Advanced Foot And Ankle Center Of San Diego

Experienced Medical and Surgical Care Of The Foot And Ankle

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Compression Stockings

The concept of compression therapy lies on a simple and efficient mechanical principle: it consists of applying an elastic garment around the leg. By compressing the limb with graduated compression – strong at the ankle and decreasing going up the leg, the compression stocking helps the venous return, decreases venous pressure, prevents venous stasis and impair of venous walls, and efficiently relieves aching and heavy legs.
This treatment is prescribed by a physician to treat Post bunionectomy swelling, phlebitis, thrombosis, vein surgery aftercare, and to relieve all manifestations of chronic venous disease (heavy legs, varicose veins, edema, leg ulcers.). It can also be prescribed to prevent vein trouble during pregnancy and long distance travel.
Compression stockings are available in different degrees of compression depending on the severity of the pathology to be treated. The pressure exerted by a compression stocking at ankle level is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).
In order to get the best use of your stocking you must be measured properly. Wearing the wrong pair of stockings are like wearing the wrong size clothes. Your leg and ankle diameter are important measurements in order for the stockings to work properly.
Here at the Advanced Foot And Ankle Center of San Diego we dispense only the highest quality of compression stockings. We use Medi Stockings.

Pain relief for ankle swelling during pregnancy

To meet the added demands of the baby you’re carrying, the amount of blood in your body just about doubles. Blood flow is dramatically affected. The hormones that add elasticity during pregnancy weaken and stretch your veins. And the after effects are often subtle and permanent.

To protect your legs during pregnancy, elevate them above your heart when resting. Don’t stand or sit for long periods. Avoid crossing your legs or wearing tight-fitting clothes. Ask your doctor about mild leg exercise. Massage your legs. And to maintain leg vein resiliency, wear graduated compression stockings. They’re sheer. They’re comfortable. And they’re specially made for better leg health during pregnancy.

Tips for Healthy Air Travel

As family and business travel increases each year, Americans can expect to hear and see more news about “economy class syndrome.” This term is used to describe the leg health symptoms experienced by plane, train, bus and automobile passengers on long trips and is associated with the serious leg health condition called deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

During periods of extended inactivity in cramped conditions, such as a long plane flight or even a long car ride, normal blood circulation can be restricted, which can cause leg fatigue and discomfort and may contribute to the serious problem of DVT. Activity of the calf muscles is needed to contract veins and propel blood from the legs back to the heart. Without this activity, blood can pool in the veins of the leg and form a deep vein thrombosis a blood clot in a deep vein.

So whether you travel on business or just love to travel, drink lots of liquids, get up and move around every hour or so, and be sure to wear graduated compression stockings. Made from cool, comfortable materials, woven using the most current manufacturing techniques.